DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-8-37-41
The demand of the state for the formation in children the sense of participation in the Russian history and culture is now solved by the system of education, including the Additional Education. As an effective form of extracurricular work, it is a favorable sphere for the co-creation of a child and a teacher in the formation of the culture of pupils. The culture of the Mezenskiy region and the struggle of the Russian people for the preservation of the originality of the painting of the North of Russia are considered. The role of traditional writing while studying the subjects of culture is noted as a way of understanding the art culture of the North of Russia, the way of transferring the national traditions to the next generations for the progress of human culture. The purpose of the complex of classes on “Mezenskaya Painting” is to develop the artistic culture among the students of the Children’s Art School. The tasks of the classes, the content of the study assignment, the results of mastering the knowledge of the students in the sections of the topic under consideration are presented. The activity aspect of studying a topic is considered as the basis for involvement of students in creativity, developmet of the ability to create compositions based on the Northern painting in question. The stages of comprehension by the students of the topic, the solution of teaching, developing and educating tasks are presented. The results of testing of the students at the beginning and the end of the study of the topic are presented. There is a dynamic in cognition, development of students. It is noted that the study of the topic promotes the development of the artistic culture of students. The fulfillment of the task of this topic also contributes to the formation of creative abilities, artistic taste of students and is a feasible contribution of the younger generation in preserving the traditions of the mezenskaya painting and its popularization.
Keywords: development of artistic culture, additional education of children, continuity of generations, arts and crafts, students of the Children’s Art School, a set of practical exercises, a composition of the mezenskaya painting
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Issue: 8, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 37 — 41
Downloads: 1070