DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-160-163
The paper is devoted to the personage classification analysis in literary criticism, its adaptation to the personage system of Scottish emigrational poetry and investigation of image characteristics of «old» and «new» Motherland. Prof. M.A. Novikova’s classification of artistic space is taken into account. It includes the opposition of own place and other place, space of center and periphery, space of border and contact. There are different classifications based on diverse approaches: 1) unipatrides, expatriants, apatrides; 2) religious persons (St. Andrew), historical persons (Robert I the Bruce, 1274-1329), Sir William Wallace, c. 1270-1305), Robert Burns, 1759-1796)), dwellers of Scotland’s regions (Highlanders) / the USA regions, family and home personages (husband, wife, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, friends), natural actuals of Scotland/the USA (Grampian Hills, Wood of Clova, Noran Water). The contrastive analysis of the personage system of Scotland’s poets (who didn’t emigrate) with the personage system of the USA’s Scottish emigrational poets is made. In the poetry of Scotland’s poets such additional personages are found: Fergus I (ab. 434 – 501), Kenneth MacAlpin (810-858), Duncan I (1001-1040), Malcolm IV (1141-1165), John Knox (1513-1572), Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), James Melville (1556-1614). Contrastive analysis of patriotic images and motives proves that emigrational literature can be treated as diasporic literature in case emigrational literature appeals to the historical and cultural traditions of the Motherland country (Scotland).
Keywords: Motherland, Scotland, the USA, emigration, personage, poetry
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 160 — 163
Downloads: 777