DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-85-90
The aim of this work was the study of the problems of synonymy in medical terminology. The article discusses the problem of the correct use of various synonyms of medical terms. Reveals the meaning of the term in modern linguistics. Discusses the basic methods of nomination that are typical for a common language. Analyzing medical terminology of the German language, and also referring to research data in the area of terminology, the author claims that the terms reflect a certain part of the lexical-semantic system of the language and possess features peculiar to each semantically meaningful element of the language. For terminology is characteristic of the main ways of nomination, typical of a common language (semantic, lexical, morphological, and borrowing from other languages). Terminology is inherent in such system-semantic relationships as polysemy, antonymy, homonymy, synonymy and metaphorization. Trends of opposition to the terminology commonly used in the dictionary, or ignoring the differences between them, show that the form and content are difficult to find a significant difference between the term and the word commonly used by the non-specific language. According to the author, modern German medical terminology has so many synonyms that requires constant and systematic ordering. The circle of synonymic analysis can include not only a simple and complicated structure of the terms, but also terminological phrases and their abbreviations. The author comes to the conclusion that knowledge of terms, their synonyms and relationships between them is critical to ensure effective communication. In turn, the selection and theoretical justification of the objective existence of synonymic relations in the German terminology and the need for their description relies primarily on the recognition of medical terminology as a part of a whole (common language).
Keywords: synonymy, medical terminology, terminology, semantic relations
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 85 — 90
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