DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-127-133
The article deals with the language personality of specialists in the field of Human Resources Management, considers the significant parameters of the communicative-pragmatic situations of professional activities. The study describes the main constituents of the professional language personality and the results of a survey of Master’s and Bachelor’s students of Plekhanov Russian University working in this specialty. Overall, the survey involved 100 respondents aged 21-25 years old, with 20% being males and 80% – females. When designing the questionnaire some essential parameters of Human Resources Management professional activities were taken into consideration as well as significance of the English language in meeting objectives and solving problems in the workplace. Based on the survey findings the article identifies personality traits of future HRM specialists and also examines and correlates the learning objectives, levels, context and components of communicative activities, describes the principles of assignments and course design of the discipline «Foreign language for specific purposes for professionals in the field of human resources management». The article refers to particular examples in ESP teaching. The discribed rational for curriculum and communicative activities might be considered and implemented in teaching foreign languages to students of various specialty occupations. It integrates the global context, language material, professional concepts and development of basic communicative and professional skills.
Keywords: professional language personality, motivational-pragmatic level, communication context, parameters of the communicative – pragmatic situation, teaching English for specific purposes
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Issue: 5, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 127 — 133
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