DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-16-21
The article considers changes in the methodology of teaching of bachelors of technological education in the XXI century which were caused by the development of educational robotics. The creation of an educational robotics was initiated by the introduction of robots in technological processes of production, by the emergence of robots in the service sector and by the use of robots in the army. The development of the robotics involves changing the methodology for preparing technology teachers. The teacher must possess the competencies, which will be sufficient for teaching pupils to the basics of robotics in schools at the lessons of “Technology” and in the classroom of technical creativity during the time free from the lessons. The article describes the training of bachelors of technological education in Herzen State Pedagogical University with the aim to exchange experiences. The educational robotics has changed the methodology of training of bachelors of technological education in Herzen State Pedagogical University. The bachelors of technological education in Herzen State Pedagogical University learn different cybernetic robotic platforms and programming of the robots in order not only to teach “Technology” in schools, but also to work in FabLabs. The algorithm of training of bachelors of technological education for the educational robotics is as follows: a) study of the physics of robots LEGO Mindstorms NXT (LEGO EV3); b) study of the language of RobotC programming; c) study of the ScratchDuino (robots and laboratory); d) use of Arduino boards for projects; g) study of the work environment TRIK Studio and of the robots TRIK.
Keywords: teaching methodology, educational robotics, bachelor of technological education
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 16 — 21
Downloads: 954