DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-24-27
Discusses the possibility of canistherapy in the development of communicative skills of preschool children with speech disorders. The author identifies the peculiarities of development of communicative skills in preschool children with different speech disorders: fuzzy diction; abnormalities in the development of dialogue and monologue; weak focus on the interviewee in the process of joint activity; low level of development of skills of cooperation, negativism, aggression, anxiety. Communication with dogs gives a pronounced therapeutic effect in nervous and mental diseases, mental rehabilitation of disabled persons and children with disabilities. The main conditions for canistherapy are, firstly, the child must love dogs, enjoy the pleasure of communicating with them (the more pleasure from intercourse with a dog, the higher will be the effect of canistherapy). Canistherapy promotes the development of skills to meet their emotional needs: social, emotional and material, gives you the opportunity to develop skills to initiate and maintain a conversation, expect the reaction of the interlocutor. Communication with animals provides the opportunity for the formation of communicative skills between children, and also allows the expression of positive emotions. Such experience gained in the process of сanistherapy gives an opportunity to transfer it to communication with children and adults. The clear structure of lessons (a certain sequence of actions, the pace, the rules of communication with the animal) enhances the effect of psychological and pedagogical influence on children and promotes the development of communicative skills.
Keywords: canistherapy, socialization, children of preschool age, communication skills
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 24 — 27
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