The article deals with artistic interpretation of Christian images and motives in lyrics of the poet of the Russian Far East abroad Arseny Nesmelov. Analyzes Bible reminiscences, images of the saints, temple, angels, motive of a prayer, Last Judgement, reveals their literary filling. Studies the problem of artistic perception of God and belief by A. Nesmelov, reveales the absence of godless motives, synthesis of various religious directions, perception of belief as symbol of pre-revolutionary Russia. The analysis of poetic works proves that the bible text was well familiar to Nesmelov, and the lyric poet addressed to it to comprehend the modern world through the Eternal book. The poet admires the God’s world, and the image of pre-revolutionary Russia is an example of its perfection. The main goal of creativity is to promote preservation of harmony and natural, natural life.
Keywords: Russian abroad of the Far East, Arseny Nesmelov, poetry, reception, Christian images and motives, pre-revolutionary Russia, emigration
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 137 — 142
Downloads: 656