The article deals with the issue of a personal deixis of the Buryat language shifter system’s functioning - personal possessive affixes. In this context, we study the function of the given affixes to regulate relations between members of the speech communication within the monological, dialogical, mixed texts. The analysis of language material actualized the relation of deictic elements with text creating and revealed the specifics of the double deixis’ functions. Personal possessive affixes most often express the attitude of the speaker to a certain party of the speech act, serve as a means of identity references, organize semantic, structural integrity of the text in a dialogical and monological unity. Affixes, that are considered in the system of double personal deixis in mixed texts, participate in the distribution of communicative load among the participants of the communicative act, are used to distinguish and identify the antecedent, in other words, direct the reader in the text.
Keywords: shifters, personal deixis, personal possessive affixes, speech communication, dialogic and monologue text, text function
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 91 — 94
Downloads: 755