The meteorological vocabulary of the Russian and Selkup dialects reflects practical aspects of the spiritual and applicative learning of the world around by these ethnoses. The atmospheric phenomena and atmospheric precipitation are named differently in the dialects depending on a way and duration of their fall, the size of drops/flakes, force and direction, presence or absence of other atmospheric phenomena. A large number of names are received by those atmospheric phenomena or weather conditions which negatively influence economic activity: long incessant rain; snow with the wind, blizzard; cold weather. The considerable part of the Russian meteorological vocabulary consists of the names of long incessant rain while the Selkup language is characterized by a large number of the names of snow and cold weather.
Keywords: meteorological vocabulary, the Selkup language, the Russian language, dialect, comparison
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Issue: 10, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 94 — 97
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