In the last years in linguistics the problem of speech genres is actively studied by many researchers. Despite the intensive development of genres studies, the question of definition of genre is still open. Following Mikhail Bakhtin, who introduced the concept of “speech genre” the linguistics continues the development of the theory of speech genres. Based on the proposed by Tatyana Shmeleva profile speech genre, which includes seven genre characteristics (communicative purpose, author's image, the addressee’s image, communicative factor of the past, communicative factor of the future, linguistic incarnation), we consider imperative speech genres in the A. P. Chekhov’s 125 letters written by him in the period in the 1890 year. In order to express the imperative mood Chekhov uses specialized and unspecialized forms. The most typical forms of expression are presented in the tables that show the features of imperative speech genres in Chekhov's letters. There is also given amplifying speech accompanying components the imperative form of expression. In the group of specialized forms of expression of the imperative (the form of the 2nd person singular and plural; first person plural; 3rd person singular and plural) the second person singular and plural forms occupy the leading position. The unspecialized forms of the imperative of expression observed in the construction of a performative ask. It was also noted that the imperative speech genres in Chekhov's letters, expressed in the first place, a request (direct and indirect), advice, and suggestion. Anton Chekhov prefers the description form of expression of a direct request.
Keywords: imperative speech genres, Chekhov’s letters, forms of description the imperative, requests, advice, wishes
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Issue: 10, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 48 — 53
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