The article is devoted to identifying the role of rhetoric component in the speech and communicative behavior of epistolary media language person. Epistolary display language personality is defined as a special type of media, author (sender) content epistolary-media texts – written speech products, possessing a pronounced genre-style characteristics, through which the interpersonal and social interaction with addressees in a media discourse is realised. The analysis of linguistic organization of epistolary-media texts demonstrates a certain level of speech culture of the sender, which is required to achieve the impact on recipients, on the one hand, on the other – it indicates that the presence of speech abilities marks the manifestation of epistolary display language personality peculiar to its discursive abilities. In the rhetorical aspects are analyzed the discursive characteristics of epistolary media language person, actualized in the sphere of mass interaction. The illustrative materials are the open letters to the public, tests of online petitions and eapplications of citizens addressed to the representatives of the regional and national authorities as a kind of epistolary media correspondence. In particular, the rhetorical expedient in epistolary media correspondence is updated by receiving the transformation of forms of presentation “I in-personal” “we collective” and “you generalized”, verification by mentioning factual and statistical data, to attract the stylistic language of the resource in the form of tropes and other means of expression of different levels of the language system. It is noted that, in addition to the verbal code units for the expression of his own reflection on the concrete social events addressee actively involved paraverbal graphical tools.
Keywords: lingvopersonology, mass media, media-epistolary texts, epistolary media linguistic personality, rhetorical means of language, effectiveness of speech
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Issue: 10, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 41 — 47
Downloads: 764