The article deals with actual question for communicative-discoursive direction in Russian philology about the specifics of the author’s television discourse in the modern system of mass communication. In view of the collective nature of television creativity the difficulty of defining the discursive boundaries of individual-author’s manifestations in television programs is substantiated. Author television programs, which represent particular interest in terms of communicative and pragmatic research, are defined as discursive practice, in which individual media discourse is organized by the author-presenter of the program as a reflection of his idiostyle. Reveals the following formal features of author television programs: 1) author of the program is its presenter; 2) “author” status is declared in the title of the program or in the definition of its genre / format; 3) the presenter of the program is self-positioned as its author; 4) the name of presenter is used as the name of the program.
Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a TV journalist, author’s TV program, communicative and pragmatic analysis
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 151 — 155
Downloads: 876