The article analyses the most typical pronunciation errors of the Mongols in the mastery of the Russian language. Characteristic phonetic differences are determined by different phonetic systems of two languages (lokalisasi and consonant), the difference of articulatory bases, the laws of the positional distribution of phonemes and phonetic oppositions, and peculiar to each language characteristics in suprasegmental level. The most serious errors that lead to misunderstanding are related to the violation of the structure of the Russian word. It is expressed in the reduction of vowels in all syllables except the first, the frequency of prosthetic and epistatically vowels appearance. Reduction of vowels at the end of the Russian word leads to the lack of expression of grammatical values. Interference difficulties in mastering the Russian accent are determined by the constant (fixed) accent in the Mongolian language and articulatory differences in the accentuation of the main syllable in two languages. The law of vowel harmony in Mongolian language is the cause of most mistakes in the Russian words concerning positional distribution of phonemes. Carried out in a comparative aspect the systematization of the main phonetic difficulties can be used in the methodological development and practical training of the Mongols Russian as a foreign language.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, phonetic interference, comparative phonetics of Russian and Mongolian languages, phonetic difficulties, auditory-articulatory skills
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 39 — 44
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