The article gives a description and assessment of non-normative linguistic facts (misprints, typo errors, violations of the lexical rules) operating in the street space of Omsk and collected as part of a student project designed to improve the ecology of the city speech. On the basis of numerical calculations were obtained the data on three unstable sites of modern spelling rules. Revealed a wide range of blunders. It was concluded that the culture of street speech communication, which is media for the type of recipient, is being formed by native speakers with low literacy. Presented and commented on the results of the survey, the purpose of which was to study the perception of texts with a misprint, a typo error, a slang term by residents of Omsk and the Omsk region. Results of the survey show that norm violations were fixed by informants in proportion to the degree of how gross the mistakes are and give them the desire to correct the text. The latter point supports the position of the normative view of the language.
Keywords: speech environment of the city, sign, advertising, language norm, misprint, typo error, perception of error
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 9 — 16
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