This article deals with problems faced by the future bachelors specialized in Psycho-pedagogical education 44.03.02 (Psychology and Social Pedagogy) before their practical training. These problems were caused by their low level of success motivation (leading to psychological barrier) that was identified by using a questionnaire measuring hope of success motivation by A. Rean. This article also proves applicability of Positive Psychology techniques of Martin Seligman in teaching practice of higher education. The article presents the principles and tested algorithm for creating a situation of success using a case within studying basic disciplines and variable parts of the professional cycle including motivational, organizational, effective and reflective stages. The article points out that considering the cognitive, personal and activity components of the discipline is reasonable when writing the cases. This helps the future trainees to create a situation of success and also prepares them for the creation of such situation when dealing with the social and pedagogical categories of people.
Keywords: bachelors, practical training, problems faced before the practical training, motivation, algorithm for creating a situation of success, case
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 51 — 54
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