A brief history of the defectology personnel training system development is given. Major stages of professional defectological education establishment in Russia are shown. Factors, influencing the development of teachersdefectologists’ professional training are listed. The interest in education of children, teenagers and grown-ups with limited health abilities is increased in educational, social and healthcare institutions. Two Federal State Educational Standards, regarding Special (defectological) education, approved during last five years, are compared. Competencies, obtained by graduate students, as a result of a new baccalaureate education program implementation are analyzed. New accents in competencies and regulations are specified. Major modern tendencies of defectologists’ professional training development in a higher education institution are defined.
Keywords: higher defectological education, professional training content update, competencies, reflexive component, education and correction of individuals with limited health abilities, modern tendencies of defectological education, polyfunctional defectologist
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 42 — 46
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