The article deals with the question related to the process of consciousness development among children of preschool age. Discusses perceptive, cognitive, reflective levels of the process of forming consciousness among children of preschool age. Explains techniques of developing the processes such as solving tasks of significance with an adult (step by step implementation of concrete joint actions that open up personal significance of a particular situation), changing positions when working with the situation (giving the child the function of control, analyzing), expanding the experience related to the process of consciousness development (going outside the familiar situations, which helps to understand boundaries of their own understanding), construction of reality. These methods are presented in 4 stages. During each stage the child achieves a new level of understanding the situation, develops new meanings, new connections, emerges changes in self understanding when changing positions, understanding of self and the situations in changing circumstances. Changing consciousness of the child in accordance with acquired experience helps him to understand circumstances in a new way, understand actions of other participants, own actions and offers constructive way to solve the problem where everyone benefits, which helps his psychological development, maturity. The process of developing consciousness emerges during constructive interaction between an adult and a child.
Keywords: consciousness development, solving tasks of significance, co-activity between an adult and a child, positron, reflectivity
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 19 — 22
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