The article presents the results of research of materials from the dwelling on an excavation No. 9 of a complex of archaeological monuments of Toropovo-7 located in the valley of an average current of the river Kasma in the territory of Kuznetsk basin. Provides the description and the characteristic of materials of excavation of the dwelling which according to the constructive features is interpreted as a semi-dugout. The search of similar materials on Toropovo-7 is carried out, in the valley of the river Kasma and in Kuznetsk basin and the comparative analysis of these material sources is carried out. The studied dwelling is dated from the period of the developed Middle Ages (the XI–XIV centuries) and is among the objects of the shandinsky archaeological culture identified with the culture of Turkicspeaking nomads cattle-farmers of East Desht-i-Kypchak.
Keywords: Kuznetsk basin, Toropovo-7, the developed Middle Ages, nomads, excavation, dwelling, ceramic vessel, bone product, zooarchaelogical assemblage
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 245 — 250
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