The source base determines the possibility of reconstructing the history of Russian national and statist organizations. This is important in relation to the events of the recent past, happening in Western Siberia. You cannot ignore the fact that not all materials fall at the disposal of archivists and archives corpus equipment takes a long time. With regard to the study of current political history of the region it is advisable to use these types of sources as published in the study period directories, collections of documents and materials of sociological research, data, electoral statistics and financial reports on the results of the election campaigns. This makes it possible to expand the typology of sources, bringing the amount of new materials. Involvement in the scientific revolution of additional evidence, allowing detailed study of various aspects of the activities of Russian national and statist organizations. In heritage materials researchers are revealing the processes taking place in the regional organizations of political parties and influence the choice of strategy and tactics. Of interest are the documents allowing to analyze the issues of financial and informational support of these political forces in the transformation of the political system accompanied by political crises, the referendum and the election campaign.
Keywords: statists, Russian nationalists, sources of present history, guide, political history of Western Siberia
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 204 — 209
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