The article considers the issues of education of schoolchildren through interagency cooperation and participation of public structures on the example of the Irkutsk region. Insufficient involvement of children was explained as a result of insufficient financing, shortage of qualified personnel, reluctance of pupils to participate in the work. It is shown that in the region, while maintaining traditional links between the various departments in matters of education appeared new forms of interaction between education authorities and public organizations. Thereby, on the base of existing positive experience of interaction with agencies and public, education authorities must interact more actively with social movements and business structures, encourage pedagogues and public figures whose activity is connected with involvement and work with children in public associations.
Keywords: education, public structures, children’s and youth public associations, Federation of Children’s Organizations, democratization of education, the public, public participation, public institutions, Student Self- Government, additional education of children
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 183 — 189
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