The article deals with the set of mistakes in the planning of work at the narrow-gauge railroad Haranor – Priargunsk in Chita region. Firstly, it studies archival materials to confirm the unprofitability and problematic exploitation of this line. Numerous doubts about the future of the line point out at difficulties of its sustainable development during post-war era. Despite the miscalculations, planning authorities considered the ways to extend the railroad. It also summarizes the basic weakness of narrow-gauge property, which didn’t allow the road to last. The inadequate departmental coordination encouraged the failures in the planning.
Keywords: narrow-gauge railroad, the Trans-Baikal Railway, the Nerchinsk mining organization, freight turnover, the rules of technical operation
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 159 — 166
Downloads: 758