The article deals with an important stage of the migration process in the pre-war period in the Soviet Union – Resettlement of demobilized Red Army. The problem of fixing this category of settlers is one of the key for the understanding of the basic indicators of policy failure and the reasons for the relocation operationsto. We consider the actions of the power structures to attract and retain immigrants in the Far East, conclusions about the main achievements and shortcomings of the measures taken. Analyzed the statements of individual immigrants and their families, as well as the old-timers on their relationship to the process of resettlement.
Keywords: Demobilized Red Army soldiers, resettlement, the resettlement plan, migration, the old-timers, farmers, operationsto, quartering, kulaks, Soviet Far East
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 126 — 132
Downloads: 778