The article is dedicated to the research of lacunarity of derivational paradigms of adjectives denoting mental characteristics of a human in forming names of persons. Attention is paid to cognitive aspects of derivation. An attempt is being made to determine which parameters of feature semantics are relevant to a native speaker in forming nouns with the meaning ‘a person according to an attribute’. Determination of such semantic components contributes to a research of a linguistic world-image which stipulates the thematic justification of the research. For the accomplishment of the targeted goal the analysis of situations anticipating the selection procedure of adjectival naming units is carried out. Considering the obtained results the author’s classification of adjectives of a lexical semantic group ‘mental characteristics of a human’ is proposed. Compared to semantic roles of verbal actants the semantic roles which may be attributed to the actant being near an adjective are determined. It turns out that the whole array of adjectival lexicon can be divided into three groups depending on presence or absence in semantics of adjectives of a component such as controllability. It is the category of intensional control that appears to be an integral characteristic of semantics of adjectives entering the process of forming names of persons. Absence of an adjective of a semantic component ‘control’ in semantics forbids a formation of adjective-based naming units.
Keywords: lexical gap, adjective, attribute bearer, semantic role, agent, patient, experiencer, intensional control
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 107 — 111
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