Russian federal state educational standards direct at creating common cultural and professional competences, which can be formed only be using active teaching methods. In this connection it is important to identify those that are most effective in environmental training of technical universities’ students. The article summarizes the positive experience of the using debate in teaching natural and physical sciences. Skills, formed with the participation of students in the debate, are revealed. Thus, participation in the debate develops the ability to analyze information, the ability to prepare oral speech, willingness to work in a team. The article presents the rules of debate and describes the teacher’s and students’ stages of preparation for the debate. The article includes methodical receptions and examples of practical training using this method in Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. There are some difficulties of students encountered in the work: the inability to articulate main idea, inability to debate, the arguments put forward.
Keywords: debate, environmental training of engineers, active learning method, competences, psychological testing
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 51 — 56
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