At the present stage the state needs a healthy and physically developed generation who would assimilate cultural values of a multinational society and this need is growing. Analysis of scientific, methodological, psychological and educational literature allows us to conclude that the problem of integration of the national cultures of the peoples of Russia in the physical education of preschool children is not studied enough, thus it is of current interest and requires further development. Terminological certainty is one of the conditions for the successful introduction of the integration of national cultures in the physical education of preschool children. The article deals with the concept of “integration”, “national culture”, “physical education” based on their interconnectedness and interdependence of identity in the context of the designated research problems and offers the authors’ approach to the definition of the concept of “integration of national cultures in the physical education of 3–7 year old children”.
Keywords: pre-school educational organization, integration, integrated approach, national culture, physical education, 3–7 year old children
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Issue: 12, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 136 — 143
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