The essence of the concept “professional burning out” is opened. Using techniques “Diagnostics of level of emotional burning out” of V. V. Boyko and “Level of satisfaction with work” research as a result of which importance of a problem of professional burning out and factors of its formation are defined is conducted. Pedagogical strategy are analysed: enrichment, orientation, familiarizing. Theoretical justification of strategic conditions is as a result presented: enrichment of knowledge of professional burning out of experts of professions of an extra risk; orientation of experts of professions of an extra risk on prevention of a syndrome of professional burning out; familiarizing of experts of professions of an extra risk with development technician of a relaxation and self-control. The allocated strategic conditions are realized as psychology and pedagogical ensuring prevention of a syndrome of “burning out” of experts of professions of an extra risk. Their effective realization depends on competently picked up pedagogical forms, methods, receptions and means.
Keywords: professional burnout, psychology and pedagogical providing, pedagogical strategy
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Issue: 12, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 48 — 52
Downloads: 740