The article deals with the problem of influence of professional experience in the processes of formation of teacher’s willingness for innovative activity. Allocates the stages of experience development. Describes the features of teacher’s work at the designated stages of experience development. Allocates the features of the process of formation of the teacher’s willingness of innovative activity in the structure of the stages of experience development. Important elements at the stage of motivational orientation on the experience development are near and distant targets of professional activity. At the stage of receipt of new experiences it is necessary to pay special attention to the theoretical literacy of teachers. Reflection and planning are important elements at the stage of reflexive thinking of new experiences. Communicative creativity becomes an important element at the stage of experience application. The article shows that the features of the process of formation of teacher’s willingness for innovative activity in the structure of the stages of experience development are in close cooperation and form a dynamic system.
Keywords: stages of experience development, teacher’s willingness for innovative activity, motivation of professional activity, professional reflection, planning of educational activities, communicative creativity
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Issue: 12, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 30 — 35
Downloads: 750