The article contains the attempt to explain almost total absence of women among the great philosophers on the basis of the Marxist theory of activity and pedagogical ideas of Ewald Il’yenkov. The author shows that the ability of the philosophical perception of the world is formed in the children’s games by certain toys. The content of the boys’ game is changing historically, as it is linked to the progress in technology and weaponry, and the girls’ games are historically unchanged, as they are related to the imitation of family life and child care. The ever-changing play of boys they contribute to the formation of creative and comprehensive perception of the world, while the routine games of girls form their reproductive and rigid mindset that excludes philosophy.
Keywords: women, philosophy, praxis, interiorization, way of thinking, children’s game activities, children’s toys
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 148 — 153
Downloads: 754