The article contains the results of the ascertaining experiment aimed at studying the level of emotional stability of the children of the senior preschool age. The main methods to assess the emotional state of the child and to identify the particular manifestation of emotional stability were: the observation of children’s behavior in interaction with the tutor and peers, interviews with children and teachers, educators and parents questionnaires, projective tests. Defines the criteria and indicators of emotional stability of the children: the adequacy of the emotional response of the child in the interaction with the surrounding reality; the intensity of expression of emotions experienced; the stability characteristics of the emotional response. Analysis of experimental data allowed to identify three levels of manifestation of emotional stability of senior preschoolers (high, medium and low). Suggests the author ‘s definition of “emotional stability” in relation to pre-school children.
Keywords: emotions, emotional stability, pre-school children, criteria and indicators of emotional stability, analysis of experimental data, the level of symptoms of emotional stability
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 67 — 71
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