The use of the case-technologies in the study of discipline “Methods of teaching chemistry” has been studied in a competence-based approach in higher school. Definition of case-situations on methods of teaching chemistry, distinctive features of training and control cases have been proposed. Differences between these cases to the destination and purpose of use in the learning process, the nature of the questions and answers to them, the estimation, the use of additional information about your answers have been identified. Educational cases are designed to develop skills of students to solve the problems unconventionally, the answers to them require a search for additional information, these cases do not have a rigid system of evaluation. The control case studies provide unequivocal answers, different approaches to evaluation. When answering the questions to cases, the student uses only existing knowledge. The examples of case-situations on how to conduct laboratory work at school and the answers to them were given.
Keywords: competence, case-technologies, case-situations on methods of teaching chemistry, the teaching case, the controlling case
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 57 — 61
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