The subject of the article is a future Bachelor’s orientation on professional-moral self-determination. The aim of the article is to clarify the concept of orientation, pedagogical orientation and cover its significance for the future Bachelor as the opportunity for successful self-determination in the educational process. Therefore, the comparative analysis of the theoretical literature was conducted to specify what is meant under the word “orientation” in this research. The authors specify that future Bachelor’s orientation is defined as the peculiarity of educational process organization which involves personalized and socially-oriented attitudes, way to behave, value orientation, actualization of moral choice, reflection and learning process as well. Thus it can be argued that orientation is considered to be a specific complex educational system allowing consciously implement the unity of informative, diagnostic, tutorial and correcting functions. Оrientation structure is presented with cognitive-analytical, value-notional, content-related-operational components.
Keywords: orientation, professional-moral self-determination, learning activity, components of pedagogical orientation
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Issue: 8, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 135 — 140
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