In this paper a problem of translators’ training for high-technology industries is considered. It occurs due to development of a common English-speaking scientific environment. To solve this problem an idea of students’ involvement into a real research of a university is proposed. Own collaboration experience is shown. The article describes cooperation stages: translation of papers from foreign scientific journals, translation of laboratory workers’ papers, reading and checking of other people’s translations. Revealed problems, such as complexity of scientific texts translation and lack of information materials, are presented. In accordance with the performed research, the author notes the benefits of the suggested way of translator’s training, such as growth of a professional qualification level and, consequently, higher competitive ability of a graduate. Profits of students’ involvement into laboratory investigations for research staff members are considered. Potential of the proposed translators’ training model is confirmed.
Keywords: training, translation, the English language, scientific research
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Issue: 7, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 138 — 141
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