The given article is devoted to the issues of teaching the scientific style of oral speech at a technical university. Based on many years of experience of working with student, graduate students, postgraduate students of Tomsk Polytechnic University, the authors propose the universal (independent of the scientific direction of students) content and form of teaching the scientific style of oral speech at the university. It is recommended to include the following topics to the course content of oral scientific speech: “The report as a genre of oral scientific speech”, “Elocution”, “The structure of the presentation of a scientific report”, “Presentation of a scientific report”, “Rules for scientific debate”. An “advanced lecture”, training and game are offered as the forms of classroom work, which allow to form the necessary knowledge basis of the principles of scientific oral communication; to develop skills; to stimulate students’ activity; to give students the opportunity to gain experience. This article contains examples of the use of the given forms of classroom work with the selected content.
Keywords: native language, competence-based approach, scientific oral speech, studying at a technical university, the content and form of teaching, advanced lecture, training, game
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Issue: 7, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 90 — 95
Downloads: 946