In accordance with the planned results associated with the formation of the future teacher’s project competences objective method plays a special role, in our case, it is methodology of teaching geography. Methodical preparation serves an integral part of vocational education of geography teacher at the Pedagogical University. Professional activities of modern geography teacher, in accordance with the goals and values of the modern general education, geographical education of students and in terms of its standardization, includes a variety of activities: educational, research, communication, project, diagnostic, and others. It is essential that the project activity serves as fundamental one, the structure of which is much more complex than traditional planning. Project includes planning as a quality item. To achieve these results, a structure-functional model of the formation of project competence is worked out. The purpose of creation and implementation of structural and functional model of the formation of project competences of the future teacher of geography is the best possible and effective application in the educational process of method training and education in geographic teaching. Structure-functional model of the formation of project competence includes the target, substantial, organizational-activity and estimated-score units. Pilot training, conducted by the author on the basis of geographical and biological faculty of the Ural State Pedagogical University, shows that the formation of the project competences of students – is controversial, complex, long-lasting, non-linear process, which forms the subject position of the future teacher.
Keywords: project competence, project skills, competence-based approach, teachers of geography
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Issue: 7, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 74 — 77
Downloads: 780