The actual task for the theory and practice of modern education is conceptual and methodological justification and support in the process of ethnoregional education. The methodological fundamentals of organization of ethnoregional education are considered in the article. The works on ethnoregional approach in education are analysed. The author’s position is based on the understanding of the use of ethnoregional approach in the unity of cultural and educational space, the equality in the preservation and development of languages of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the region. The principles of ethnoregional approach are revealed. The substantiation of ethnoregional teacher training is given. The article describes the main directions of ethnoregional training of future teachers.
Keywords: ethnoregional education, ethnoregional approach to education, principles of ethnoregional approach, ethnoregional teacher training
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Issue: 7, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 53 — 58
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