The article considers the key to communication studies and a number of other sciences, the concept of “code of cooperation” as a means of implementing the communication, communication, knowledge translation, expression evaluation. It is about the visual and natural language communication as two codes that differ based on the absence / presence of the properties of linearity and consistency deployment in space and time and analyzed in relation aspects of their functional and pragmatic properties, as well as the specificity of interaction in various spheres of social and interpersonal communication. Particularly emphasized affecting the function of visual language, high performance implementation of which is achieved due to the availability of a huge perception and interpretive capabilities. To justify the need to study the visual language is important to recognize formulated within the framework of psychological science position on the importance of the visual code of perception, which found ample evidence in practice (eg, in the course of implementation, the techniques of art therapy, receiving visualization work with people belonging to visual personal psycho). Visual (lateral) kind of thinking, secreted by some scientists as a distinct type of appeal to the possibility understanding of information through the creation of non-linear visual images, in some cases, more ductile and moving than words – a linear unit of verbal series. The emergence of visual language as an interdisciplinary concepts and the growing interest in it among scientists from different fields of scientific knowledge is determined by the powerful influence of the modern information environment exerted on the minds of the media / user as a result of the introduction of the everyday life of the latest information and cognitive technologies. As an example of the close interaction of visual and verbal codes is actually seen the phenomenon of creolized speech product that combines elements of a visual and verbal code. For empirical research base are taken the commercial advertising texts.
Keywords: communication, communication code, visual language, the nonlinear visual image, natural language, creolized text, advertising text as creolized variety of text
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 153 — 159
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