The focus of the article is on the question of the axiological modelling of the world, which is considered in terms of cognitive and communicative aspects of the speech behavior of radio presenters. The analysis of the motive structure provides guidance on specificity of ideological attitudes of discourse. The motive is presented as structural, compositional and substantive reception and is resulted in discursive ideology. The function of the motive structure of discourse of the information and analytic radio is described in terms of language and communicative mechanisms of realization of conflictual potential. The ideological level of discourse is presented in conceptual discursive oppositions, which is determined in the scope of a preffered cultural model.
Keywords: discursive worldview, discursive ideology, pronness to conflict, motive structure of discourse
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 131 — 136
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