This paper searches for the points of contact between cognitive linguistics and IT by drawing parallels between key concepts of cognitive linguistics and mathematical logics. The notions of metalanguage, object language and graph are considered not only as strictly logical concepts but as a tool that can be used to solve a range of interdisciplinary problems such as modeling the knowledge structure of a certain subject field. Since every natural language is both an object and a subject of cognition, such type of research seems to be essential in terms of modern level of computer technology and artificial intelligence. The paper also substantiates the reason to create interdisciplinary teams of software developers because such kind of intercommunication and cooperation between different areas of study seems to be vital to deal with the problems of modern educational and testing issues.
Keywords: concept, category, metalanguage, object language, graph
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 127 — 130
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