The article describes the origin of berry terminology in Selkup. Results of full collection of selkup words belonged to the subject lexical group “berry flora”. The analysis of these linguistic units allows tracing the development process and name formation of berries in selkup language and also to single out the principle of naming units. Further data integration makes it possible to examine the semes which are the bases of naming flora lexemes according to productivity criterion. The study was carried out due to the theory of transferring linguistic world image with the help of symbols taken from collective unconsciousness and kept the meanings of world image. The method of component analysis which reconstructed the meanings of unproductive naming units was used for analyzing. This method allows explaining the meaning of berry flora words with the help of dividing lexemes into small meaningful units. Twenty three selkup berry flora words were analyzed and there were eight principles of naming units that formed such groups as berry functioning connected with its picking up and using as a food, connection of some berries with certain kinds of birds, colour characteristics of berries, mythological ideas of selkup people, curing period and berrying, taste properties of berries. Indirect way of naming berries is dominated and underlines associative thinking of selkup people.
Keywords: selkup language, berry flora, phytonyms, etymology, semantic development, principles of naming units
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 48 — 55
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