The article examines main strategies of negation of pronouns and adverbs in central dialects of Selkup, on the basis of Narym, Vasjugan and Tym dialects. The negative pronouns and adverbs are formed by a marker of negation |naj| and occur in sentences with a negative predicate which manifests obligatory double negation. There can be two types of negative predicates: 1) those is formed by negative particles – |aśa| ‘NEG’, |i̬kә| ‘Neg.Imp/ Neg.Opt’ preceding the verbal predicate; 2) inherent negative predicates |ćāŋku-| ‘be absent’ |nʲetu-| ‘be absent’, |nʲetu| ‘there is no’, |čedalbɨ-| ‘not be able’. So, in this case, negative concord takes place. According to the proposed thesis, in the dialects under study, negative pronouns and adverbs were formed, with the help of the particle |naj| with emphatic semantics‘even, too’, and obtained negative sense through the Jespersen Cycle, as a case of grammaticalization process.
Keywords: negative pronouns and adverbs, negation, grammaticalization, Jespersen сycle, endangered Siberian languages
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Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 36 — 42
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