The article shows retrospective stages in the development of physical culture in the Tomsk region, including the pre-revolutionary period and the 1920–1940 years. The authors stated objective preconditions and causes of beginning of Faculty of Physical Education, founded in 1949 in Tomsk, the history of its formation and development as the first faculty to provide training of physical education teachers with higher education for the vast Siberian territories from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. Names teachers-graduates of prestigious universities of Leningrad, who arrived to organize educational and methodical work on the newly created structural division of the Pedagogical Institute. The main objective of the authors was to show the role of people: teachers, creators and enthusiasts of the educational, research and training process, which made an invaluable contribution to the history of the university. The information provided is only a small part of the great work that has been completed, which was carried out and will be continued in Tomsk State Pedagogical University.
Keywords: anniversary conference, history of faculty development, educational process, research work, training of teachers
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 252 — 255
Downloads: 763