Modern society is focused on improving the performance of both technical and humanitarian areas. Modern humanitarian technologies are used in the training, education, allowing you to optimize these processes. Research activities of the teacher is a necessary factor in his professional competence. This determines the need to improve this activity. The most successful methodological approach to solving this problem, the author believes praxiological, and one of the most important mechanisms visualization. These reserves were used by the author to develop and test educational course for master’s programs “Design and assessment of educational systems”. Visualization, a relatively new pedagogy methodology used in teaching undergraduates, allowed to achieve high performance training and trainees’ satisfaction. This methodological approach and visualization techniques can be used for other training courses.
Keywords: research activities of the teacher, praxeological approach, visualization, educational program, result of research activity
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 186 — 189
Downloads: 893