Brief Summary. The article deals with the necessity of the anthropological shift in linguistic methodology. Generalizes the results of the philosophical and anthropological foreign and domestic studies, and records those basic anthropological principles that now form the basis of pedagogical and anthropological vision of the educational process. Covers the spectrum of definitions of the object, method and objectives of educational anthropology. At the same time diagnostics of educational achievements of students should be transferred from the mere rationality to the sphere of lingual mentality where a growing person’s “experiential philosophy” is being developed. In this approach, students are active constructors of their own world, their own moral conception of the world and of man in it. Suggests one of the possible ways of scientific-theoretical and practical-technological solution to the problem of final exam in the Russian language on the basis of the lingual concept-centric pattern, when the diagnostics is shifting from pure rationality to the sphere of linguistic thought.
Keywords: anthropological shift, anthropological methodology, linguo-conceptual framework, diagnostics and control
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 177 — 181
Downloads: 817