The article considers the disfunctional family relationships of patients with neurotic disorders in the context of the system of family psychology. Dysfunctional family relationships include: changing family structure, the wrong type of educational impact, intense interpersonal relationships in the family, alcoholism of parents, spouses, close relatives. The main laws in the system of family psychology are: the law of the hierarchy, law of the conditioning, law of the balance. Undeveloped or destructed emotional relationships with the closest family environment can be seen as mechanisms for the development of neurotic disorders. The basic principles in providing psychological care for patients with neurotic disorders and methodological approaches in their implementation are complex impact on different areas of the whole personality; strict individualization of each case; differentiated approach depending on the diagnosis of neurotic disorder.
Keywords: neurotic disorders, system of relations, neurotic conflict, dysfunctional family relations, family law system, psychological help
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 64 — 67
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