One of the major problems that currently acquires great importance is the aging of the population. The prevalence of mental disorders among persons aged 60 years, on average, is higher than in the general population. Universally accepted definition of mental aging is considered as a process of age-related changes of higher mental functions, characterizing the final period of human life. With age, there are significant structural and functional changes in the body naturally, having individual differences, in turn changing the mark on the functioning of the individual. Age factors impose a significant imprint on the occurrence, dynamics and correction of neurotic disorders. Non-psychotic mental disorders in elderly age have their specifics differ from those occurring in other age periods and therefore require a different approach to therapy. This article discusses the possibility of psychological assistance to elderly patients with non-psychotic mental disorders.
Keywords: non-psychotic mental disorders, gerontology, a system of relations, neurotic conflict, psychological aid, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, adaptation
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 58 — 63
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