This article discusses the value-sense sphere of mother. Motherhood is one of the urgent problems of contemporary Russian society. Evolutionary purpose of women is the birth and upbringing of children. This article reflects the problem of inner peace mother, her value-semantic framework. It represents the theoretical literature review of research on the issues under study. Showes the results of the study of value and sense sphere of mothers. Determines the core values of mothers and childless women. Analyzes the differences of value-semantic sphere of mother and childless women. Mothers revealed significantly greater percentage of respondents experiencing fear and loneliness of losing loved ones, compared to childless women. Mother is a cultural and moral model for your child. For mothers sense-forming factor is the value of family life. Childless women have a wider range of values, that is more diverse and multidirectional than that of mothers’.
Keywords: motherhood, maternal position, values, family, woman, mother, childless woman
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 14 — 18
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