The article presents the analysis of data of thunderstorms, heavy rains, hails for 12 weather stations in Eurasia during the summer period of 2000–2012. There were analyzed 4420 events of heavy rains, 1833 events of thunderstorms, 18 events of hail and 2 events of tornado. Investigates thermodynamic and kinematic parameters calculated from the radiosounding at 12:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) at 12 stations during 2000–2012. Identifies the limits of variability and features of the thermodynamic and kinematic parameters of the atmosphere in Western Siberia during thunderstorms and heavy rains. Thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere at the weather stations near the site, where two tornadoes were analyzed.
Keywords: thunderstorm, heavy rain, hail, tornado, the thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere, radiosonde stations of the atmosphere, cumulonimbus clouds
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 178 — 184
Downloads: 867