Northern (Arctic) Federal University Named After M. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk The article traces the limiting impact of zinc and copper in the soil-plant system, gives the scientific rationale and develops a regional system of environmental regulation of the content of heavy metals in soils of Arkhangelsk. Key points of comparison are concentrations of heavy metals in the soil, leading to a decrease in their accumulation (translocation) in plants, excess tissue in their maximum allowable concentrations and maximum allowable level, as well as the effect of the average soil phytotoxicity test applied to test-object (watercress). Critical level of these metals in the plant is achieved with a soil content of mobile forms of zinc at 5.0–13.0 mg / kg, copper – 2.0 mg / kg. This is below the maximum allowable concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals in soils of 1.5–1.8 times. Observes the decrease in the accumulation of zinc aerial parts of plants when the content in the soils of 45–50 mg / kg, copper – 4.2–5.2 mg / kg. There is a significant inverse relationship between phytotoxicity and content in the soils of zinc and copper. However, their concentration in the soil, leading to a moderate degree of phytotoxicity (30 %) accounted for zinc – 30 mg / kg for copper – 2.0 mg / kg, which is 1.3–1.5 times higher than the maximum allowable concentration mobile forms of heavy metals in soils. Based on regression analysis and comparison with regulatory measures adopted in Russia, has developed principles for the valuation of the regional conditions of the North. Set the concentration of total content and the content of mobile forms of zinc and copper, affecting the ecological status of grasses and soil phytotoxicity, picked averaged limiting concentration (total content and mobile forms) of these metals, which are soil polluters of Arkhangelsk.
Keywords: urban soils, zinc, copper, ecological condition grasses, soil phytotoxicity, limiting concentration
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 156 — 163
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