In the composition of communities of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Rhizaria) from the sediments of the shores of lakes and river Tom of Tomsk territory found 27 species and subspecies. Characteristic elements of the fauna are eurytopic species with wide geographical distribution: Arcella discoides difficilis Deflandre, Centropyxis discoides (Penard) Deflandre, Difflugia bidens Penard, Difflugia corona Wallich., Difflugia schurmanni van Oye. The diversity of species in each habitat ranges from 6 (Sennaya Kuria) to 13 (Boyarskoe Lake, the Tom River) species per sample. The density of organisms did not exceed 2,000 speciments/m 2. Changes in the diversity of the amoebae community in Sennaja Kuria are considered as a result of mechanical cleaning of the bed of the lake produced in 2012–2013.
Keywords: testate amoebae; fauna of littoral sediments; urban lakes, Tom River
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 138 — 142
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