This paper analyzes the information on resettlement of eushtinian tatars in XVII–XVIII centuries. The main sources are public documents. Available data describe the resettlement area of eushtinians on Tomsk Ob region in this period. Eushtinians are first mentioned in the book of Herberstein in 1526 under the name “Grustintzi”. According to sources, the main inhabitation area of eushtinians in XVII – XVIII centuries was the area adjacent to Tom river from Tomsk to the mouth of Shegarka river. Territory of eushtinian landholding reached the Ob river. Eushtinian tatar can be divided into different groups, each of which occupies its territory, differs from others in antropological type, employment and social status. It identified archaeological sites of the late medieval which created by eushtinians.
Keywords: tatars, turks, tomsk tatars, eushtinians, history, archeology
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 102 — 106
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